Threefold Blessing

1. The meaning of the Threefold Blessing
Since the Threefold Gospel represents the theory and doctrine for our lives of faith, there is a need for the practice and application of the Threefold Gospel. A theory and doctrine without real application is nothing more than that which arises from table top discussions. The application of the Threefold Gospel results in the Threefold Blessing. It does not emphasize any limited aspect of our lives but rather applies to the complete man: spirit, soul and body. The Threefold Blessing is a term which encompasses the complete salvation of mankind.

2. The Threefold Fall and the Threefold Blessing
1) The Threefold Fall
Just as God had said, as Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, their spirits died (Genesis 2:16,17). The death of the spirit refers to a state of separation from God. Having moved from God-centered lives to man-centered lives, they no longer could live in the Garden of Eden in faith and obedience. Instead, man must live according to what wisdom He has.

With the fall of Adam and Eve, the land was cursed and thorns and thistles began growing in the land (Genesis 17,18). Since that time, in every aspect of man’s life, thorns and thistles grow. Although man is attempting to live a better life through greater development of science, he shakes at the thought of the thorns of hatred, the thorns of anxiety and fear, thorns of discouragement and despair, and the thorns of death. These thorns in homes, society and the world make him shiver and shake with suffering.

With Adam’s rebellious sin against God, all of us became destined to die and return to the earth from whence we came (Genesis 3:19). Death and illness which drives all men to death approaches us ceaselessly.

2) The Threefold Blessing
The reason which drove Jesus Christ to be persecuted on the cross was to redeem all our sins and iniquities. When Christ called out, “All is done,” upon the cross, all our sins from the past, present and the future were cleared and we were made completely sinless and without shame as we stand in front of our God.

In addition, the Son of God Who is the source of all blessings carried our curse and shed His blood on the cross and destroyed the forces of condemnation, to remove from us the thorns of hatred, anxiety, nervousness, fear and despair, disappointment and death, guilt and sin. Once done, the fountain of peace and the fountain of blessing begins to overflow in that person’s life.

The physical curse of illness and death which were handed down through generations after the first sin of Adam were cleansed whole with no trace. Now, we must base our lives on the redemption of Christ, and claim our right to health and divine healing. Also, Christians receive the seed of eternal life (I Corinthinas 15:42-45).